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Feb 9, 2021

Zooming-In On Devon’s History

DBG member, Todd Gray, is presenting a series of talks on Devon’s history via Zoom:

Devon history online courses 2021

by Dr Todd Gray MBE

Each Zoom lecture is illustrated and will be followed by a question and answer session. Booking via or 01392 459760

Diverting history

Aspects of Devon’s past which fascinate, captivate and celebrate astonishing achievement – an antidote to our current times.

 Over 5 weeks

Tuesday mornings, 10.30 – 11.45 am

16 February – 16 March 2021

Fee: £30


England’s carved bench ends, 1450-1700

An examination of the late medieval timber carvings found in churches in the South West (Devon, Cornwall, Dorset and Somerset) with those of East Anglia and Central England.

 Over 5 weeks

Thursday mornings, 10.30 – 11.45 am

18 February – 18 March 2021

Fee: £30

Featured book: Todd Gray, Devon’s Ancient Bench Ends available to course members at a discount price of £16