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May 14, 2024

Summer Conference 2024


Volcanic Stone and Crediton Church

Saturday 15th June 2024

To be held at the Victoria Room, The Old Town Hall, High Street Crediton EX17 3LF

The DBG has not visited Crediton since 1994 when we enjoyed a guided tour of the historic town following the AGM. This year’s meeting will be focused on the use of the very distinctive volcanic stone [volcanic ‘Trap’] in local building since in the afternoon we will be able to visit a newly-opened quarry of this stone at Knowle, Copplestone by courtesy of Andy Gray.  Before going to the quarry we will have guided tours of the church which is itself built of Trap. Recent research has thrown new light on the Church’s history and Jo Cox will talk on this in the morning after a presentation by Stuart Blaylock on the use of volcanic Trap for building in the Exeter area.

The Conference will begin at 10.00 a.m with our customary coffee and cakes, to be followed by talks.
10.30 a.m. Talks
Stuart Blaylock: Trap for the unwary: Volcanic stone in the Exeter Area
Jo Cox: Recent Research on Crediton Church
12.00- 1.00 p.m. Lunch
Guided Tours of Crediton Church.
3.45 Visit to newly-opened volcanic quarry.

The meeting is free to members. Guests may attend at a fee of £10.00 each. Lunch can be booked in advance.